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RSS FeedsA closer look at why Xbox doesn`t use Bluetooth
(Windows Phone Central)


13 november 2019 20:10:34

A closer look at why Xbox doesn`t use Bluetooth
(Windows Phone Central)

Believe it or not, the wireless card in the Xbox One should be able to receive Bluetooth signals. But it`s disabled. Why is that exactly? Microsoft`s Xbox platform has been at the forefront of wireless gaming accessories alongside PlayStation for quite a while. The Xbox controller itself is among the most popular in history. Since then, Microsoft has spawned a range of licensed products from all sorts of manufacturers that leverage the `Xbox Wireless` radio signal. Since we`re putting a spotlight on Bluetooth this week, I thought I`d answer a question I get every so often on social media about Xbox consoles and their apparent lack of interest in supporting Bluetooth. So then, why exactly doesn`t the Xbox One support Bluetooth? The answer is pretty simple: interference. Bluetooth is often too flimsy The requirements for wireless connectivity on Xbox makes Bluetooth simply unsuitable in several ways. First and foremost is bandwidth. Speaking to Xbox Senior Hardware Program M...

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